Dental Implants

Dental Implants

Sometimes fixing your natural tooth is not the best long-term solution. Loss of bone due to gum disease, severe breakage, loss of tooth  structure due to decay, or problems with the root structure may make a perfectly done dental repair structurally not strong enough to stand up to the forces of chewing. Perhaps you lost a tooth earlier in life or even never got one in the first place. Dental implants may be the perfect solution.

One of the benefits of implants besides strength is the fact that they are not subject to tooth decay. As we age, we produce less saliva which normally dilutes the decay causing acids and helps re-mineralize our teeth. This can be made severe when some of our medicines that help keep us alive severely limit saliva flow further, creating a condition where there is a continuous battle to repair decay. Whatever conventional dental restoration is done is only a temporary fix because the causes of the problem are still there.

The Cutting-Edge Solution to Tooth Loss

Implants are basically “artificial tooth roots” placed such that a single or multiple of teeth can be replaced with functional crowns or bridges not endangered by tooth decay. This can be a gradual process of replacing teeth as they become a problem or all at once as is a fairly common way to do it as the long-term cost is less and the results can be exceptionally nice looking.

Short Recovery Times, Permanent Tooth Replacement

In most cases the process involves two to three months of healing after placement of the root-form implant, allowing the bone to physically bond itself to the implant. This is followed by placement of the permanent replacement teeth. An entire arch of teeth can be replaced with just a few implants supporting the prosthesis as they are much stronger than natural teeth.

Bite into Life with Dental Implants

Folks with dentures may find the addition of some implant support for their denture provides a much more life like chewing force as well as greater stability, even to an existing denture.

We provide the most current techniques for predictable results, so feel free to ask how this might be a solution for your concerns.

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